Sunday, April 5, 2009

United States

Reflecting on the unique history of the United States I was a bit surprised. Putting a little honesty in this blog, reading about historic events jumbles up my mind a little bit. It hasn’t always been my strong suit so here we go. After reading the two Conflict and Conformity case studies for the week the United States was influenced by non-state societies in it’s founding in a very important way. Our leader was not sure in how to centralize the government and the colonies without ruling over then in a monarch way. The Indian Chief came forward and told our leader the way in which he ruled and the way in which the Iroquois were governed. From this the United States adopted the system of governmental election and practice.

We go in to countries for example why we are in the Middle East right now. We are trying to spread democracy and it works for us really well, it gives us freedom and rights. However other cultures aren’t run in a way that is set up to live in a democratic society. We embraced it because it was new and something different and more fair than the monarchy we left in England when we came here, but we shouldn’t force it on other societies. If we better understand other cultures and their political systems we can better foreign policy. If you take the Middle East for example, we are over there right now trying to set up a government that reflects ours to a tee. We need to look at the way in which the Iroquois helped us and use that to help the Middle East. The Iroquois didn’t come in here and tell us how we have to run our colonies, they told us how they ran theirs and gave us ideas. Ideas we can take and tweak to better fit us.

1 comment:

  1. Great succinct discussion of the readings, particularly the point that the Iroquois demonstrated and explained their government, rather than insisting another be just like it.
